D6 Restoring the Power of Home

Deuteronomy 6:1-9

What is D6?

  • Home Resources: We know that the power to reverse the Slow Fade of the Next Generation lies with the influence of the home. We have developed resources to equip parent figures with the tools they need to succeed in training their children in the way they should go.

  • You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

    Deuteronomy 6:7-9

  • Small Group Resources: As leaders of the home lean into their powerful roles, we believe the local church can be an excellent support and catalyst when it comes to shifting the trajectory of the students of today. These resources are designed to supplement and strengthen the home.

About the Resources

D6 Quick Reference Resource

These Quick Reference cards equip parent-figures with conversation starters, scripture references, and tips to begin steer the discussion within the family unit toward the ways of God.

D6 Online Courses

Each online course comes packaged with 6 video lessons to watch over the course of 6 weeks, as well as a downloadable PDF Parent Workbook. Each course covers one topic that is immediately applicable to your family routine.

D6 Small Group Facilitation

Designed to work in conjunction with the online courses, the Facilitator Guides available for each topic provide lesson plans and discussion prompts for a small group facilitator to use alongside the D6 Online Course curriculum.

Home is Where it Happens

Home is Where it Happens

D6 Online Course Bundle
One time

Get anytime access to both D6 Online Course topic: Accumulation and Home is Where it Happens. Learn how to maximize your Godly influence in the lives of your child(ren).

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Parent figures can absolutely use the D6 resources independently. Each Online Course includes a downloadable PDF Parent Journal and 6 video lessons. The Journals include prompts and scriptures to empower you to enact a strategy for your child(ren)’s spiritual development. Of course these same materials can be used in a small-group format to facilitate conversation, create connection, and foster community. In a small-group format, simply augment the Online Course with the corresponding Facilitator Guide for robust and catalyzing conversation.

  • D6 resources are developed with parent figures in mind. While your kids will certainly benefit from your use of these materials, they are intended to equip parent figures with the tools you need to take the authority and responsibility you have been given to steward well the spiritual development of your child(ren).

  • Our D6 Online Courses are perfect for small-group facilitation. Inside each course, you’ll find a series of videos designed to span 6 weeks. Get together with your small group to watch one video each week, then use the supplemental Facilitator Guide to initiate conversation around the topic. The downloadable PDF Parent Journal is included within the Online Course for you to supply your participants with a workbook to develop an action plan to use in their parenting.